There are two days a year that make me feel homesick - Walborgsmässoafton and midsommar. Today is midsommarafton back home and it is the time of year when magic is believed to be the strongest. I miss rising and dancing around the maypole. I miss eating the years first potatoes with sour cream and avoiding the pickled herring on the smörgårdsbord. I miss the strawberries with milk. I miss wearing a summer dress, dancing barefoot. I miss going to the sauna by the lake and late night skinny dipping. I miss picking seven different flowers and putting them under my pillow in hope of dreaming about my future spouse (never worked though
I had to find Varši all by myself). I almost miss drinking way too much, cause that is what we Swedes tend to do on this most important holiday of the year (Christmas is too much hassle).
Sweden, du gamla du fria you are not so bad after all. I kind of miss you today.
Flokkur: Bloggar | 22.6.2007 | 11:56 (breytt kl. 11:58) | Facebook
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Bęta viš athugasemd [Innskrįning]
Ekki er lengur hęgt aš skrifa athugasemdir viš fęrsluna, žar sem tķmamörk į athugasemdir eru lišin.